Wednesday, June 11, 2008

180 Blocks

I came home to find the 180 concrete blocks I ordered had arrived. I was pleased that they were placed to the side of my driveway, and not blocking it. They will be used to build a small retaining wall in my backyard to cordon off a garden area.

However, spending 2 hours hauling these blocks around has made me wonder just what have I gotten myself into.


Kevin Chiu said...

You don't even have a garden...

Andy Hou said...


Anonymous said...

Any plans on what plants to grow? The prime time to get plants was back in april/may so you might have slim pickings.

I'd suggest getting a few tomato plants, cucumber, zucchini, and brocolli.

They're pretty temperature resistent, and pretty easy to grow. I started my own little veggie garden this year too! Sadly I lack an actual garden, so it's all in raised bed/pots.

Andy Hou said...

I still a lot of grass and weeds that I need to pull before I can plant anything. By the time that's finished it may be too late for this year. :(